Friday, March 26, 2010

It's war!

Many of you got to hear me griping awhile back about finding a mouse had been snacking on my spinach and parsley seedlings in the basement. Brett, wanting me to take a gentler approach, had me use a humane trap - one that doesn't kill.

Funny, that didn't work. I never caught a mouse. But at the same time, I stopped finding signs that anyone was snacking on my seedlings - so maybe the mouse moved on, or maybe one of the cats found it. H'yeah, right.

Yesterday I noticed many of my eggplant, tomato and pepper seedlings have now had their tops nibbled off. They hadn't even started forming their "true leaves" yet - so I doubt they'll recover. More than likely I'm going to be doing some reseeding real soon.

Anyhow, I got fed up, found our lethal mouse traps (which I like to tell myself are humane in that it should be an incredibly quick death), and set them up - one in the middle of the seed trays/salad bar, and the other on the floor underneath the table.

In less than two hours I thought I head noises in the basement, went down, and found Simon walking away from the growy area (licking his lips perhaps?). I found the trap on the floor had been tripped, but there was no mouse in it. I wonder if Simon went after the peanut butter and got lucky that it didn't snap him on the nose or paw?

The trap between the seed trays? Well, let's just say there's one less seedling-snacker!

I re-set the traps, making sure to stash them a little better in the hopes a cat won't set them off - and now we wait. Either there was one mouse and the seedlings are safe, OR there's more than one, and we'll have to see if they get any smarter...

I hope not!


Sherry said...

Jeph, I laughed all the way through this one!!! Quite a few years ago,I had mice in my house. I nearly died. One got caught in the trap by his hind legs!!! A slow, painful death! I love it! There is not place in my heart for a mouse!

Kris said...

Yeah, I get mice now and then, but they are a picnic compared to the time a North American red squirrel got into the walls and had a litter of 4. I'm afraid it resulted in a lot of unladylike behavior on my part...