Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blurry but happy

Latest picture of Simon - not the best picture, but he was quite happy and moving around A LOT.

As you can see, I took his brush in with me, which he loved.  First I tried brushing him while still having him wear his plastic cone collar (so he doesn't mess with his bandages etc), but that wasn't working out well at all.  The techs gave me the go ahead to remove the color, and then one had to bring me a small cloth - he was drooling so much just from being brushed.

You can't see it here, but his front right paw was swollen to double-sized.  I asked if it was because he was receiving an IV drip of fluids to flush through him, but the tech saw it and quickly rushed to remove his bandages, which were on a little too tight.  He kinda gave her the stink eye during all of this, but was still in much better spirits than he had been the last couple of days.

After they fed him some canned cat food (peeeuww!  barf!), and he got more brushing, I figured I needed to get out of their way (they weren't rushing me in any way, and were very friendly) and had other errands/favors to run, plus get home to let our dogs out...but just after I put his collar back on, Simon walked up to me (at chest height, while in the cage), put his front paws on my chest, and gave me his trademarked "Simon hug" - where he snuggles up real close and then head-bonks the crap out of your chin/nose....whatever he can hit.  So, yeah, he's definitely doing better now.  The real trick will be to see how he does after the catheter and fluids are gone...  Our big worry is that we'll have to consider the perinial urethrostomy surgery our vet said some male cats need...with the issues being the pain Simon will deal with for a week or two after, and especially the cost!


anne marie in philly said...

no more cone of shame!

Betsy said...

He looks so much better, Jeph! Hope very much he doesn't need that surgery. I love how he hugs. What a cat!!

Jeph said...

He's doing much better now - thanks guys! :-)