Word is out on the 'net that both Dollhouse AND Sarah Connor Chronicles are getting the axe...
This really bites.
We already lost THREE of our regular fantasy shows. In order of their cancellations: Stargate, Stargate: Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica. And now the rumor is that Dollhouse AND Sarah Connor aren't going to be back next season!? WTH!?
So tonite's episode of Sarah Connor was the planned season finale, and it's quite possible it was the SERIES finale. We keep talking about this, and how great the show has gotten, and enjoying all the character developments, character relations, etc... But at the same time, I've told Brett more than once that I wonder if it wasn't some secretly planned two season lead-in to the movie. I mean, if they knew there was a movie coming out, but they also have a tv series with some of the same characters (but different actors), well, isn't that a bit odd? So what if they're actually using the series to show what makes John Connor of the movie coming out the man that he is...by giving his backstory in a tv series? I dunno - just kinda me contemplating possibilities.
And Dollhouse. Well...we almost didn't watch it premiere, and then when we did we were really skeptical. I think Sharon said she and Andy stopped watching awhile back... But by now some of the character development's gotten really good. SURE, it gets a bit tiring with the super-blase doll characters when they're not loaded up with some alternate personality, but they're showing less and less of that these days as the characters get built up, as the plots get more complicated, etc. And now the word is that Felicia Day was in an episode that would've aired any time now, but that Fox has declined ordering it. They're fools. Felicia Day is one of the hottest things on the market these days! They're already screwing around Joss Whedon (AGAAAAIN!? Firefly anybody!?), and now this deal with Felicia. C'mon - just give us fans what we want - reliable schedules for entertaining shows!!!
PS there's something about the actress who plays Sierra on Dollhouse ...I think it's her bone structure?...that reminds me of Sharon and her sister Denise...
I figure some of you out there (Hey Carla!) are probably still watching these shows, right? What are your thoughts?!
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