Saturday, April 11, 2009

Do you fundue!?

So do you ever have something you really want, and you put it out there (say, like, on your Amazon wishlist) with the hopes that someone will gift it to you because, let's be honest, it's sort of something you don't REALLY need to treat yourself to...but golly, it sure would be nice?

Only then Christmas passes and no one got it for you.

That's ok!! Honest! We're trying to dial back all the expensive gift giving at Christmas. So it's OK! No one had to really get me anything anyhow...

But it sits there on that wish list... Waiting. Winking at you when you're checking out the wish list. Wanting you to want it just enough to complete the process.

But you keep denying don't need it. You can live without it. It's too extravagant a purchase.

Because, in all honesty, you know your birthday is just around the corner, so maybe you'll receive it then! You never know! It could happen!

But it didn't.

Again, that's totally ok - no one needed to get you anything anyhow. That's not really what it's about.

But dammit, you really wanted that particular something. Now it's calling out to you even more! It wants you more than you want it. If you don't give in, things are going to get weird...or bitter...

OH hell! You watch the prices changing online, and you jump on a good deal - and before you know're doing this for dinner!

Mmmm....fondue!!! We'd had an old fondue pot that had been gift to us yeeeears ago. It was nice, but it was the type that had the little canister of flamey gel stuff underneath, and that sucker scorched and burned and got a nasty coating inside. Then Jay introduced us to his wonderful Rival stainless steel electric fondue pot (see how long I've been wanting this?! 2006!!!), and it's non-stick, and more even temps, super easy to wash, and easier to control. LOVERLY!!!

Ok, enough talk - let's eat!

BTW - that was a cheddar and beer fondue dip, which Brett smoothed out even more by adding canned cheddar cheese soup (I know, don't get me started - I didn't buy the stuff, but it sure did help the fondue!) Smoked brisket, steamed broccoli, bread cubes, and leftover baked potato were great in it! I figure we'll be doing chocolate in the thing REAL SOON!

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