Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Do I have to go down on my knees....

Some YouTube fun tonite!! Peter and I were recently discussing the coolness of Shakespeare's Sister, the pop duo from the late 80s (early 90s?). If you ever heard anything by them, you heard "Stay". It's odd that I bought the CD - I wasn't much into musical experimentation back then. But it's one that I TOTALLY loooooved everything on - and you know how hard it is to find that in a CD!

(Hm, now that I think about it - I bought it on cassette first! CDs weren't around much when I first got it)

Annnywho, I still have the old CD, and for some reason decided to check and see if their video was available via YouTube. Not only is it, but some of their other stuff, PLUS a spoof by Jennifer Saunders and, um, "French" (I don't know her first name, but she showed up on AbFab on occasion, plus did comedy sketches with Jennifer Saunders. Dave would know all about her...)

Here's a link to the videos at YouTube - PLEASE enjoy! Of particular interest, in addition to "Stay", are "My 16th Apology" and "Goodbye Cruel World".


Searching YouTube for some other songs I loved from yesteryear...

Baltimora's "Tarzan Boy" - um, maybe I was better off never having seen this video. Ew.

Boy's Don't Cry's "I Wanna Be A Cowboy" - ahhhh, great song! But in this case, cowboys and bath tubs maybe DON'T mix. And did cowboys really wear that much eye makeup? T-t-t-t-trigger!

Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now" - um, just a guilty pleasure! :)

Jermaine Stewart's "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" - not sure why I thought of this one! LOL Wow - was Jermaine Stewart REALLY a man!??!

Ok, I gotta stop - maybe I'll do another round of this sometime soon!


Peter said...

Dawn French is her name. Vicar of Dibbley (or however you spell that). Also to be seen in the video for "Experiment IV" by Kate Bush. As is whatshisface from the tv show House.

Too much trivia on my hands....

Jeph said...

Check back to the original post here - I've added some more fun videos! ;-)

Peter said...

I was watching both Jermaine and Baltimora earlier. Great minds think alike....


Anonymous said...

Only one 'b' in "Dibley," but who'd know that except an ersatz Anglophile like me? Dawn French also had a small part in Harry Potter 3, as the "Fat Lady in Painting." They (but mostly Jennifer Saunders) also did a very funny spoof of Alanis Morissette's video for "Thank You" -- I was surprised it's not on YouTube. It's on one of several French & Saunder DVD's that I own.

Jeph said...

You can ask Dave to quote ANYTHING from AbFab (or Kathy Griffin, or many other bits of comedy) - he has the amazing ability to retain and replay soooo much of this stuff!

Anonymous said...

... uh, thanks, I think. Not always proud of it - pretty sure it's some kind of mental defect, or maybe evidence of one ... at least one ...

Jeph said...

LOL Um, nah, too easy to crack jokes on that - juuuust gonna leave it alone! LOL

Peter said...

Wait, is this THE Dave you always talk about? THE DAVE? WEren't we all carrying on a torrid e-mail conversation a little while back?

Jeph said...

Yes, NAUGHTY Dave from work and lots of shared social experiences....not the OTHER Dave from work and occasionally a party. This is NAAAAUGHTY Dave who shares common interests with us, plus is a real tech addict (like Brett and I).

Peter said...

Common interests? Dave is a gardener?


Jeph said...

Mmm hmmm... Yes. Gardener. That's it. Gardening. He loves it. Lots. (Deer in headlights)

Peter said...

And with that, we'll bring this back to being a NICE family-oriented blog....


Jeph said...

Peter, you suck ALL the fun out of things! (nyuk nyuk)

Peter said...

Not all that I suc-- oh! Whoops! Maybe I shouldn't go there....