Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Garden pics

Quick uploading of pics before our Rush St Rolls and Cicero Chicken get here.... MMMM East of Chicago! I fully admit this is not the healthiest of dinners, but Brett's painting sample colors in the master bathroom, and I've been out watering the flower beds after working on putting out straw, watering, and dusting the squash/pumpkins with Sevin all afternoon. Glad I took off from work after lunch today! Too bad I forgot to take the camera along, or you could've seen the garden with it's new "blonde" straw look. Next time...

I had to go nuclear on the vining plants - my last two times out there I caught cucumber beetles FORNICATING all over my plants! And when they're doing that, they're also snacking on the plants and most likely introducing a virus into the plants' system that will kill them. Hope I'm not too late! Need to tuck some more "backup seeds" in the soil!

Here's pics from the previous visit to the garden... These first three pics are the sort of wilty herbs planted last Tuesday (I realize they're still adjusting, plus it was a hot day), the lettuce planted last Tuesday (perking up much better - I only hope it doesn't bolt!), and the newly planted basil and dill.

Standing back for a bigger shot, looking down the middle row. Herbs, fingerling potatoes, and interplanted okra and swiss chard in the row to the left of center, beans (Blue Lake and Gator Green?) on the right. Then the three teepees, two of which are going to be croooowded! Leftmost is scarlet runner beans and mystery viney stuff (squash?) - the tag fell out and I didn't have the heart to pitch 'em. First teepee right of center is watermelon (DON'T laugh - I don't know if it'll work either), and then the leftmost is snow pea and sugar snap peas. (And I might tuck in some lemon cucumbers in there somewhere to make it REALLY crowded!) And then a close up pic looking through the teepees.

Outer edges are tomatoes, back end is tomatoes, and two inner rows (to either side of the "mote") are squash and pumpkins, interplanted with smaller, faster things like bok choy, beets, radishes, carrots, etc. Since I put staw all throughout here today, I don't KNOW that much of the plants from seed will come up? Tucked in around all the veggies are some nasturtiums and TONS of marigolds, which are super cheap and supposed to help deter pests. Closest on the left, just at the edge of the camera, is the cucumber trellis.

The cucumber trellis - same rebar as the tomato cages, only straightened out (against it's will) and fastened in place to stakes with zip ties. I'm waiting for the whole thing to snap and close up like a bear trap on me when I walk by! (Insert gay bear joke here)

Next pics you see of all this should look basically the same, only covered in straw, and hopefully with more green stuff growing! :)


Stunned Donor said...

Those goddamn beetles. Of course they have to be yellow, which in the insect world means "Go away birds, I taste like shit."

Jeph said...

Oh is that what it means? I thought they were just trying to blend in with the lighter colored earlier leaves on the squash plants. Your version makes more sense!