Monday, January 29, 2007

Sex Glow

What a cool and interesting article!

Ultraviolet glow lights up spider sex- Fluorescent markings play role in buggy mating rituals, scientists say


Anonymous said...

when i was growing up, my parents wouldn't kill spiders in the house. there were active webs and abandoned ones around the wall/ceiling. it was very cool.
when i was 16 or 17, my mom and dad got me a pet tarantula (named lisa) because mom was allergic to cats and dogs. i had lisa for 8.5 years...she died some months after i met cindy. of a broken heart?

the tradition continues in our home, now. during the warmer months cindy gets me and i take them outside. when it's cold outside, i move them to the room with the plants where the door is closed. this way, our cat doesn't kill them.
i also save spiders at work.

Anonymous said...

And no, I didn't kill Lisa!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and abandoned webs need to be cleaned...

Anonymous said...

cindy's kind of fussy like that

Jeph said...

LOL You guys are crazy!

So you have a spider room at home that you also grow plants in??? I'll have to stop by and see this one!! I have a couple praying mantis nests out back - one still on the bush, one cut off. Can I bring them over, let them thaw out in your plant/spider room, and see what happens!?!?

Anonymous said...

yes, we have a plant and spider room. or more to the point, we have a room that we keep our cat out of :)
as for praying mantises (mantes?), in theory i'm game! but i worry that the little (soon to be big) flying things would not fair well in the enclosed space. so i'm gonna have to say no.

but jeph, seriously, call me or let cindy know when and if they hatch! it is really neat! i would love to watch it!!
you've touched upon another area of great interest of mine: insects!
so there you have it. cindy married someone who likes spiders and insects. she tolerates a plant room with spiders and participates in their relocation.
oh, the stories...