Saturday, January 10, 2009


So each month there's a new display of art in our Audiovisual Services/Design Solutions area on the third floor of the Library where I work. Staff or students are allowed to suggest a theme and provide their artwork for the show, they submit pictures, and our Design Solutions crew print a selection of the images and hang them in the entryway for AVS. Sharon's had her travels printed there before, people have displayed images of their interesting family structure, or trips overseas, etc.

Recently we were all invited to contribute pictures of our pets, and then these pictures would be picked through and a selection will go on display. Thanks to the surprise extended holiday, plus the usual holiday stresses, I think most folks forgot to take care of this at first... Looks like we've been given an extension, so I spent one evening this week going through all the pictures on my computer and marking my favorite pet pics in Picasa. When I realized just how many I'd marked, I figured I'd set them up as a web album, rather than email them all. Hopefully our Design Services people will find this method helpful, and not hate me for providing SO many options!

Or hell, maybe they'll decide my animals deserve a showing all of their own! ;-) Take a look and see what you think (click on the web album image below):

Pets for Posters


Dave E. said...
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Dave E. said...

Notch :,-) And Baby Tucker - they grow up so fast! So many really great pics, Jeph, they could do an exhibit of your pics alone. Seriously.

Jeph said...

It IS weird seeing Tucker back as a kitten again!

the ginger tabby said...

I've only gotten half way but they're great!!!