Thursday, August 13, 2009

His cup spilleth over

Brett recently provided a new kitty gift...something like this does NOT go unappreciated!

"Does holding my arm out like this make me look less crammed in here? (Ok, I'll be honest - there just wasn't room for the arm)"

You know when there's something coveted so much as a too-small box, more than one kitty WILL want it.

Doogie to Tucker: "Dude - yer fat! You've got a bad case of muffin top!"

Uh oh - is this the "I'm gonna throw up!! Hold my hair!!" look?

Oh thank goodness - just a yawn!


Sharon Andy Holderman said...

And you say my cats are getting big. They can both fit in a box together without is coming this week.

Kris said...

Great pics. Gave me a good chuckle! :-D

Jeph said...

Tucker's like 4 or 5 years ahead of your kitties....they're catching up quite nicely! ;-)

FinnyKnits said...

Why do they always want to get into any box or bag, but when I get out the cat carrier, essentially just a plastic box, they run for the friggen hills?

Rocket now goes to the vet in a duffel bag because she'll jump right in there if I unzip the top.

Meanwhile, I can open the cat carrier all I want and she'll just avoid it while trying to remove my head.

Jeph said...

That's a REALLY good question!