Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How egg-sciting!

Before we left for the Summit County Fair Sunday afternoon, Brett pulled the garbage dumpster out of the garage since his car was out... When we got back from the Fair, we found this on the dumpster!

Me:  "Oh wow!  Look at the eggs!"
Brett:  "You don't know where those came from - I wouldn't eat them."
Me:  "Are you kidding!?  Farm fresh eggs!  People who know me know I love this stuff!  I wonder who they came from!?"
Brett:  "Anyone could have put them there.  Don't trust them."

Riiiight....because strangers who're out to get us are injecting farm eggs with poisons and leaving them as gifts for us.  LOL

The next afternoon, Dan the neighbor stopped by, heard me playing in the backyard with the dogs for a few minutes after I finished mowing, and came back to ask if I'd found the eggs.  He and his wife Helen had been visiting their daughter Sunday, and I guess the daughter has 4 chickens that produce way too many eggs for her and her family to get through in a week, so she passes them on to others.  Dan and Helen don't eat a lot, and since I'd just left a bag of garlic, beans and squash on their doorstep last week, they returned the favor.

Yay for me!

I love how they're different sizes and different colors.  It's hard to tell from the picture, but the light blue-green eggs second up from the bottom on the right is like half the size of the next one up above it in the pic (the brown one).  The blue-green one is TINY and the brown one is HUGE!

We're definitely having eggs for a meal this week!

1 comment:

anne marie in philly said...

try them in baking too!