Thursday, August 01, 2013

Spatula licking good!

Ok, don't freak out or anything - I promise you, this is not a picture of cat puke.

I had some sweet potatoes sprouting on the counter, and the squash from the garden are piling up a little, so I figured it was time to make some dog biscuits...  While the sweet potatoes were nuking in the microwave I ran some squash and carrots through the shredder on the food processor.  Ran out and grabbed some kale, chard and herbs and chopped those up.  Once the sweet potatoes were soft I chunked them and pureed them in the food processor with a few eggs (hot sweet potato + eggs almost made a souffle!)

The mixer wasn't fond of this dense mix, so I started with the dough hook, adding a little olive oil, and then started adding rice flour and whole wheat flour til I got something like cookie dough.  Very damp cookie dough!  Seriously, it was like cat puke.

All this dough got rolled up and chilled, and I've been cutting it off this week, baking sheet pans worth, then once they're pretty dry I toss them in the dehydrator for several hours until dry and crisp.  The dogs also like the dough as-is (they had some serious taste testing going on!), or just-baked (but not yet run through the dehydrator), but I really want to make sure the cookies will last for quite awhile without sprouting mold...

And since it's all human-friendly food (although there's no sugar, no salt, etc) - I went ahead and gave the finished product a taste (I'll have to get a picture later).  Not bad!  Not something I'd eat with cheese or anything like that, but not bad!

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