Sunday, August 04, 2013

Hurry up already

Based on what I've seen online, the first of the ears of corn are really close to being ready for harvest.  The silks are mostly dry right down to where they come out of the husks, the ears feel plump inside, and they're starting to tilt out at a steeper angle.  YAY!

No, those aren't maggots or something else creepy crawling around in the silks - that's just part of the tassels from the top of the stalks that have dropped down and stuck everywhere.

And you really can't tell from this picture, but these guys are TALL!  I should have Brett come out and take a picture of me standing next to them, instead of me goofing around with the camera looking up from down amongst the stalks.

Mmmmm can't wait!  I can taste it now!

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